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Class 9 Notes - Ideological Basis of Pakistan (Short Question Answer) | yourweb16

Class 9 notes - Ideological Basis of Pakistan (Short Question Answer) | yourweb16 Class 9 notes - Ideological Basis of Pakistan (Short Question Answer) | yourweb16

Chapter #1 Ideological basis of Pakistan short Questions Answers - Pakistan studies class 9 notes - Ideology of Pakistan. yourweb16

Chapter #1 Ideological basis of Pakistan Short questions answers - Pakistan studies class 9 notes - Ideology of Pakistan. yourweb16

Q1. Define an Ideology.

Ans. A collection of beliefs, customs, aims, traditions, and rituals which is common to all members of society.

Q2. What is meant by Islamic ideology?

Ans. The ideology which elaborates the teachings of Islam, the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, the Islamic way of life and Islamic culture is called Islamic ideology.

Q3. Write down the names of fundamental sources of Islamic ideology.

Ans. The fundamental sources of Islamic ideology are the following:

1. The Holy Quran.

2. The Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

3. Tradition and Culture values.

Q4. Describe the fundamental sources of Islamic ideology.

Ans. The fundamental sources of Islamic ideology are the following:

1. The Holy Quran

2. The Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

3. Culture Trditing and cultural 

1.  The Holy Quran: The Holy Quran is the base of Islamic ideology. It is the book of guidance for mankind. All the basic principles of social life have been described in the Holy Quran. According to these principles, individual thoughts are developed.

2. The Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H): The statements and actions of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) are collectively called as-Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. The Sunnah helps in determining ideological thoughts because the life of our Holy Prophet was a practical description of the Holy Quran.

3. Culture: The source of Islamic ideology are those traditions and cultural values which are arranged on the basis of guiding principles of the Islamic way of life, however, those values are also developed from a geographical point of view which does not against the teachings of Islam.

Q5. Write down the four sentences on the importance of ideology. 

Ans. The importance of ideology is the following:

1. An ideology shows the ideals and thoughts of the individuals.

2. It collects the people on a plate form and produces unity.

3. An ideology produces an effective force in the thinking and actions of individuals.

4. An ideology develops a clear concept in the selection of political leaders.

5. An ideology helps in maintaining freedom, and culture.

Q6. Write the names of four basic contents of an ideology and describe them briefly.

Ans. The four basic contents of an ideology are following:

1. Common Religion: The common religion is the basic content of an ideology because it helps in the construction of ideology.

2. Common Culture: In an ideology, the common way of life is looked at due to the common culture.

3. Common Cause: The important content of an ideology is a common cause because a common cause develops unity according to ideology.

4. Sincere Dedication: For achieving a high goal in life, there is a need for sincere dedication and commitment of the people, this makes the ideology strong and stable.

Q7. Write down the basis of the ideology of Pakistan.

Ans. The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is the following:

1. Doctrine of faith.

2. Social dealings.

1. Doctrine of Faith: The ideology of Pakistan is characterized by the doctrine of faith in Allah, Prophethood, Angles, the Day of Judgement and all the Revealed Books of Allah. The most essential elements of this belief of the Muslims are the unicity of Allah and complete faith in the Prophethood of the last Prophet, Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The Quran is the last Holy Book revealed to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) bit by bit over a period of twenty-three years is sufficient for the guidance of the entire humanity.

2. Social Dealings: Mutual dealings or interaction, occupy an important place in the social system of Islam there is no discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, colour and creed.

Q8. Briefly describe the principles of democracy in Islam.

Ans. The principles of democracy in Islam are following:

1. Justice  

2. Equality

3. Fraternity

4. Tolerance

1. Justice: In Islam, the first principle of democracy is justice. The literal meaning of justice is to keep the right thing in the right place. It helps in making decisions in every aspect of life. It is the fundamental principle of democracy.

2. Equality: The second principle of democracy in Islam is quality. Islam rejects all kinds of discrimination on the basis of race, language, caste, culture, wealth and poverty.

4. Fraternity: The third principle of democracy in Islam fraternity which means brotherhood. The members of Islamic society cooperate with each other and help one another in times of trouble.

4. Tolerance: The fourth principle of democracy in Islam is tolerance which means avoiding the mistakes of others, this quality unites the members of society.

Q9. What is meant by the ideology of Pakistan?

Ans. The faith and ideal which caused to produce the movement of freedom and the establishment of Pakistan are called the ideology of Pakistan. For the ideology of Pakistan, the faith of the Muslims of the sub-continent was Islam while the idea was to create a separate homeland for the Muslims on the basis of two nation theory.

Q10. Write down the four characteristics of Islamic society.

Ans. The characteristics of Islamic society are the following:

1. The beliefs, customs and culture in Islamic society are based on the teachings of Islam.

2. In Islamic society, there is a preference for justice in individual and collective life.

3. In Islamic society, the effects are made to develop fraternity and brotherhood.

4. In Islamic society, there is full protection of the fundamental rights of all individuals.

5. All the individuals in Islamic society believe in the sovereignty of Almighty Allah.

5. In Islamic society every individual has the same legal rights.

Q11. What is meant by the concept of sovereignty in Islam? Describe in four sentences.

Ans. The concept of sovereignty in Islam is following:

1. The right of sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah.

2. Allah is the head of all the kings of the world. He provides the kingdom and He has a right to take it back.

3. According to the point of view of Islam, Allah is the creator of the entire universe and he has made man as caliph in this world.

4. The powers which are given to the rulers are the entrusted things of Allah because Allah has control over all the forces in this universe.

Q12. Write down the four guiding principles of the Islamic way of Life.

Ans. The guiding principles of the Islamic way of life are the following:

1. The first principle is to keep firm faith in Almighty Allah.

2. The second principle is to keep faith in the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and keep faith in all the prophets. 

3. To make the habit of saying prayer regularly.

4. For getting high moral character fast in Ramadan and pay Zakat.

Q13. Write down any four advantages of salat (Namaz).

Ans. The advantages and benefits of Namaz are the following:

1. Namaz protects from evil deeds.

2. Namaz is the foundation of the religion and the height of a true Muslim

3. Namaz is a source of the progress of Islamic Unity.

3. Namaz helps Muslims to solve their economic and social problems.

Q14. Write down the four characteristics of Zakat.

Ans. The characteristics and importance of Zakat are the following: 

1. The payment of zakat helps to eliminate the greed for wealth in Muslims.

2. Zakat is a source of getting the blessing of Allah.

3. Due to the payment of Zakat, it becomes possible to help needy persons in society.

4. Zakat eliminates bad habits like miserliness and selfishness.

Q15. down four sentences on the importance of pilgrimage (Hajj). 

Ans. The importance of pilgrimage is the following:

1. Hajj is an important element of Islam and it is compulsory for every well-to-do Muslim.

2. The pilgrimage shows the international unity of the Muslims.

3. Hajj is the prayer to Allah and it is the practical expression of love to Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

4. The pilgrimage contains the soul of all prayers.

Q16. Write four sentences about the concept of accountability to Allah on the day of Judgement.

Ans. The concept of accountability to Allah on the Day of Judgement is following:

1. This concept produces the fear of Allah in human beings.

2. This concept produces the thought of accountability on the Day of Judgment.

3. Due to this concept a person tries to do good and pious actions.

4. This concept protects a person from doing crimes and sins.

Q17. Write four sentences on the importance of Tauheed.

Ans. The importance of the faith monotheism (Tauheed) is the following:

1. The faith inclines a person towards the worship of Allah.

2. This faith provides the stability in thoughts on the principles of Islam.

3. This faith provides help to adopt pious actions in life.

4. Tauheed gives courage and power to overcome every kind of fear.

Q18. Write four sentences about Jihad (the holy war).

Ans. The importance of Jihad is the following:

1. Jihad is a source of cultivating high personal qualities.

2. The spirit of Jihad makes a person brave and fearless.

3. Jihad is the war against tyranny in the world.

4. Jihad is the name of fighting against devilish and evil forces.

Q19. Describe the formation of national character in the light of ideology in four sentences.

Ans. The formation of national character in the light of ideology is the following:

1. The firm faith in ideology constructs the national character particularly, therefore every individual gives preference to the national interest.

2. The dedication to an ideology produces a sense of duty which produces high moral qualities in character.

3. Due to the dedication to an ideology, the life of every person becomes purposeful and he adopts honesty and piety in his life.

4. An ideology produces the spirit of patriotism.

5. Ideology gives a common cause, therefore a habit of labour and hard work cultivates in the characters of every person.


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